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Deane Lam
Oct 21, 2019
I just started my journey - Amber
It is a lovely sunny morning with Amber, a university student from Queensland, in my office talking about brains and behaviours. So what...

Deane Lam
Dec 19, 2018
Exploring Goals Through a Prism: Gaining Multifaceted Perspectives on Business Dreams
I had a wonderful discussion with a young and smart entrepreneur who is exploring a new adventure for his 2019 business dream. Sam has...

Deane Lam
Dec 14, 2018
Build Your Own Brand - Identify your brand first
This is our new program BUILD YOUR OWN BRAND designed for individuals to prepare their new journeys in 2019! How did it start? Well one...

Deane Lam
Nov 14, 2018
Build your own brand
A new program designed for individuals to prepare for their new journeys. It is a fun and self-exploration process to discover the real...

Deane Lam
Oct 3, 2018
Learn from moving, building and telling
I ran a coaching session early this week with a client who wanted to build more focus on leading his multi-cultural team for performance...

Deane Lam
Sep 30, 2018
Create some space for a LEGO® Serious Play®
If anyone are interested in learning from moving, building and telling, this is a perfect program for you. I love to use different tools...

Deane Lam
Aug 8, 2018
I just started my journey - Wendy
Congratulations Wendy, you have started a new chapter in your journey - writing your own Success Story. It was an inspiring process to...

Deane Lam
Jun 13, 2018
Write your own success story workshop - Day 2
Today is a storytelling session. On Day 2, we begin with updating our 2-week goal we set on Day 1. Again, a goal can be very small, it's...

Deane Lam
May 30, 2018
Write your own success story workshop - Day 1
We just started another success stories today! On day 1 of the program, we focused on question number 1 of the followings: Where am I?...

Deane Lam
May 3, 2017
I just started my journey - Lisa
"I really enjoyed working with Deane to develop my success story. Her enthusiasm and willingness to work with me to bring out my best...

Deane Lam
Nov 8, 2016
Write Your Own Success Story Workshop
We have another Write Your Own Success Story Workshop in Melbourne. This is a 12-week coaching program and the purpose is to support and...

Deane Lam
Oct 20, 2016
Write Your Own Success Story Workshop
Our first session of Write Your Own Success Story Workshop in Melbourne started with these two amazing professionals - an...

Deane Lam
Dec 31, 2015
My success story - Ken
I always get inspired of small or big, new and old thing around me. Sometimes I will stare on one thing or another and just think how...

Deane Lam
Dec 11, 2015
My success story - Sophie
My life in the past few months was very much mirroring from the time when I was staying in the waiting area at the airport during the...

Deane Lam
Nov 11, 2015
Be Your Own Coach Workshop
A program for you and a friend to be part of a journey together to learn, to grow and to change. Set a time with us, bring a friend...

Deane Lam
Nov 7, 2015
Find Your Compass workshop - Part 3
On this last session of Find Your Compass workshop, we worked on "Strategy and Implementation". We put together a plan on how to get to...

Deane Lam
Oct 31, 2015
Find Your Compass workshop - Part 2
In the first session last week, we started our journey of "Self Assessment" by creating our Life Timelines, understanding our Career...

Deane Lam
Oct 24, 2015
Find Your Compass workshop - Part 1
Today was the first session of this 3-session Find Your Compass workshop. Thanks to all the participants showed up on time and fully...

Deane Lam
Sep 25, 2015
Find Your Compass Workshop
We are very excited to invite Sharon Tudela to facilitate a career coaching workshop "Find Your Compass" on Oct 24, 31 and Nov 7, 2015....

Deane Lam
Jul 2, 2015
I just started my journey - Yan
It was a beautiful Wednesday, the first day of July, and the first day of the next half year in 2015! I spent the afternoon with Yan...
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